Notice of 61st Annual General Meeting




Notice of Annual General Meeting



Notice is hereby given that the 61st Annual General Meeting of the Co-operative will be held November 4th at Duarts, commencing at 6pm. Numbers will be limited to comply with Covid-19 regulations.




  1. Confirm the Minutes of the 60th Annual General Meeting of the Macalister Research Farm Co-operative Limited trading as held November 5th
  2. Receive and consider the Reports of the Chairman and Directors.
  3. Receive and consider the Financial Reports and Auditor’s Report for the year ended June 30th, 2021.
  4. Election of Directors: Retiring Directors are Damien Gibson, Sandra Jefford and Colin Wright.
  5. Fix remuneration
  1. RF (Bob) Pitman Memorial Award
  1. Any other business, or resolution that the Chairman may permit


Followed at 7pm by



For further information contact Jade: 0488 175 366 or


This role has two parts – to co-ordinate and deliver on-farm projects and farmer extension activities and to act as the Executive Officer of the Macalister Demonstration Farm (MDF).


  1. Extension Role:

The MDF EO will:

Form strong links to the Farm Manager and Farm Consultant to identify farm activities of interest to the broader dairying community. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • organising issue specific field days/discussion groups
  • preparing issue specific reports/Fact Sheets on pertinent topics
  • preparing a bi-monthly MDF Newsletter to highlight MDF activity

-Report on the financial performance of the MDF (in conjunction with farm consultant), identifying the impact of key farm management decisions to provide a benchmarking tool for MID dairy farmers

-Analyse and report on the farm management, HR and OH&S performance of the MDF as a case study against Dairy Australia resources such as People in Dairy, Dairy Sustainability Framework etc.

-Prepare and upload materials for e-extension using the MDF website and Facebook and Twitter sites under the “e-Media project” banner. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Creating monthly video clips that explore issues that arise throughout the season to discuss options and opportunities. These videos will include the farm management team as well as draw on other expertise from the Board and the district.
  • Investigate the development of an on-line forum to pick up and respond to comments and questions from those viewing the clips
  • Taking photos of farm activities for:
    • Specific projects and issues to meet the needs of the farmer audience;
    • A pictorial ‘cycle of events’ calendar for school use;
    • General interest for industry promotion.
    • Monitoring and reporting on social media activity to inform a wider extension community.

-Aim to forge partnerships with industry to identify, develop and fund new projects, with an emphasis on innovation in the dairy industry. Key aims are:

-Build a relationship with Ag Vic Ellinbank researchers to form the results of their research into projects that can be incorporated into the commercial dairy operation of the MDF.

-Build a relationship with tertiary institutions to enable students to access MDF data to complete their post-grad projects. Work with these students to develop and deliver extension activities.

-Liaise with industry to develop demonstration trials of new products and management systems

The Dairy Extension Officer will also develop formal links with the dairying community to:

  • Identify opportunities for new demonstrations and trials with a particular emphasis on the ‘over the horizon’ technologies;
  • Gather feedback on MDF projects, particularly the communication and learning activities associated with them;
  • Develop closer links with DA and GippsDairy to bring the MDF into the fold to enhance dairy industry extension capacity.


  1. The MDF EO will also function as the Executive Officer for the MDF:

The MDF EO will support the Board of the MDF by preparing Board meeting papers, minutes and post-meeting follow up; prepare the Annual Report and co-ordinate the AGM; undertake annual compliance reporting; work with the bookkeeper to report to the Board and prepare for the annual audit; and represent the Board as required at meetings and presentations.

This role will be undertaken 2-3 days per week, depending upon applicant suitability and desired work load,  with flexible working hours and location. A work computer and mobile phone will be provided.

Salary is negotiable in the indicative range of $50 – $60,000 pa including superannuation.

Selection Criteria (must be addressed in application)

  • A solid understanding of dairy farming and the principles behind a successful operation
  • Awareness of issues facing the dairy industry and the role that the MDF may play in addressing these
  • Proven ability to develop and maintain relationships with key partners
  • A very good understanding of social media applications and an appreciation of the potential of social media platforms to spread information and act as an educational medium
  • An understanding of the facilitator role in managing groups to deliver positive outcomes
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Prior research trial experience strongly desirable


To register an EOI and present a CV and response to selection criteria, please email:

Email applications must be submitted by 5pm Friday October 1st 2021

MDF AGM – 23 Oct 18

Annual General Meeting

When: Tuesday 23rd October, 2018 at 6pm
Where: Duart Homestead, McLean St, Maffra

  • A review of MDF performance over the last year
  • Presentation of the RF Pitman Award

Dairy Industry Forum & Dinner

When: Tuesday 23rd October, 2018 at 7pm
Where: Duart Homestead, McLean St, Maffra

“Value adding at the farm gate – An innovator’s perspective”
Special guest speakers Ferial Zekiman of Maffra Cheese and Sallie Jones and Steve Ronalds of Gippsland Jersey with panel discussion.

This is a free event for members of the dairy industry.

For further information and booking: 0488 175 366 or