Macalister Demonstration Fortnightly Update Farm Update 566(15-09-2022)


Farm insights

Spring activity is well underway on farm now.

Pasture growth is excellent and growing at 50-55kg/DM/day.

Older varieties and less rust tolerant pastures are showing rust spores.

Whilst there is very little insect pressure to report there are the usual weed issues to be addressed like Capeweed, docks, thistles.

Summer crop paddocks have been selected. Four hectares will be sown to a mix of Millet/Pasja II Leafy Turnip. A couple of paddocks will be oversown with Reward Endo5 perennial ryegrass.

Currently pastures have been sprayed with Liquid Nitrogen and the economics of using liquid over granular is being addressed.

No paddocks have been irrigated as yet.

Key Numbers  




Farm Area 73 73
Grazing Ha available to vat 59 59
Renovated Pasture (Ha) 14 14
Stock Numbers
Cows currently milking to vat 180 240
Cows currently not milking to vat 15 25
Total cows on farm 339 330
Milk Production
BMCC target below 250 182 110
Milk solids per cow (kg/MS/cow) 1.37 1.70
Fat % 3.89 3.93
Protein % 3.83 3.58
Feed Budget
Average pasture cover 2550 2850
Current pasture fed (kgDM/cow) 12 15
Current concentrate fed (kgDM/cow) 6 6
Current demand per cow (kgDM/cow) 18 21
Stocking rate (cows/Ha) 3.05 4.07
Pasture growth rate (kgDM/Ha) 40 50-55
Pre-grazing cover (kgDM/Ha) 2800 3100
Residual (kgDM/Ha) 1500 1500
Round length (Days) 50 35
Farm Conditions
Soil temperature (degree C) 13 14
Rainfall (MM) 26 4
Irrigation days this last fortnight (days) 0 0

Macalister Demonstration Farm Update 564 (6th May 2022)

Milk production is the lowest in five years at the Macalister Demonstration Farm. The feed margin is the lowest in four years.  Hectares being used, and cows being milked, are similar. Amount and type of supplements being fed is similar. So, the main reason for the lower milk and profitability is less grass being consumed, as shown by the table of calculations, and graphs. Grass is nearly always the dominant driver of milk and money.

Fertiliser application is similar to other years.  The grazing rotation (possibly a bit short for now) is similar to most years. Some paddocks have been resown with crops, the crops growing well but probably not making up for the lost growing time, before and after the crop.

The problem seems to be a wet year. It saves irrigation, but wet soils lose or waste nutrient, cause more pugging and therefore weed invasion, and make grass utilisation more difficult. Good drainage is a powerful tool.

A grass residue build-up at wet/muddy grazings makes it even more difficult to get high utilisation at later grazings, a compounding problem.  The cows could be forced to fix the residue, but they will graze some patches far too hard, and milk is lost in the short and long term. An unavoidable residue-build up is best fixed by topping to an even and appropriate height.

Ten days to date: 10,May,21 30,Apr,22 10,May,22  
Milker graze area 72 68 68 Ha
Milkers 278 270 270 Head
Stocking rate 3.9 4.0 4.0 cows/ha
Average graze rest time 33 31 32 Days
Estm’d pasture consmp’n 27 21 20 kg DM/ha/day
Pasture consum’d per cow 7.1 5.4 5.1 kg DM/cow/day
Pasture growing spend $4.79 $5.00 $5.00 $/ha/day
Estm’d pasture price $176 $235 $249 $/T DM
Conc (incl additives)supp fed/cow 6.3 6.3 6.3 kg DM/cow/day
Conc (incl additives)supp avg price $393 $458 $458 $/T DM
Hay/silage supp fed/cow 2.3 3.4 3.4 kg DM/cow/day
Hay/silage supp price $222 $280 $280 $/T DM
Feed Conversion Efficiency 95 92 92 kg MS/tonne DM
Total feed intake/cow 15.1 14.2 13.9 kg DM/cow/day
NDF Fibre in diet 30.4% 29.4% 29.2% % NDF
Litres/cow 17.2 16.0 15.3 l/cow/day
Fat test 4.64% 4.72% 4.85% %
Protein test 4.00% 3.98% 4.01% %
Milk Solids per cow 1.49 1.39 1.35 kg/cow/day
Milk price (less levies)/kg MS $7.10 $7.26 $7.24 $/kg MS
Milk price (less levies)/litre $0.61 $0.63 $0.64 $ per litre
Milk income/cow $10.57 $10.10 $9.80 $/cow/day
All feed cost/cow $4.22 $5.09 $5.09 $/cow/day
Margin over all Feed/cow $6.35 $5.01 $4.71 $/cow/day
MOAF /ha /day $24.51 $19.88 $18.69 $/ha/day
Farm MOAF per DAY $1,765 $1,352 $1,271 $/day

Macalister Demonstration Farm Update 563 (22nd April 2022)

The Macalister Demonstration Farm is now miking 270 cows. Milk per cow is 1.37 kg MS per cow day. Grass consumption is about 1.5 kg DM per cow per day down on last year. The price of grazed grass is high ($240 /t DM) compared to last year ($169), due partly to high nitrogen price, but also because the grass consumption is lower than last year.

55 mm of rain fell on the Macalister Demonstration Farm in early April, then 30 mm recently.  Achieving an appropriately low grazing residue, and minimising grass wastage, is difficult in these wet conditions.  More silage than usual is being wasted also, being walked into the wet soil.

The average Leaf Appearance Rate over the recent rest period of 31 days was 13 days.

With no need to irrigate, the current water cost of growing grass is assumed to be zero, although a large part of the cost of irrigation water is fixed, no matter how little is used. Irrigation is one of the more difficult grass-growing inputs to manage, partly because it is difficult to allocate a cost to each used megalitre, but also because sometimes, without much notice, wanted or not, it can be provided, for free.  Sunlight arrives at predictable and free amounts, its capture rate depending on grazing management (residue and rest).  Carbon dioxide is becoming even more freely available, now 400 ppm in the atmosphere. Soil nutrients can be monitored and managed relatively easily.

The milk price is higher this year, and grain is higher priced.  All in all, the feed margins, whether it be the whole farm daily margin, the margin per cow, or the margin per hectare, are lower than this time last year.  The whole farm daily feed margin is down 28% on last year.

Ten days to date: 20,Apr,21 10,Apr,22 20,Apr,22
Milker graze area 61 67 68 Ha
Milkers 282 275 270 Head
Stocking rate 4.6 4.1 4.0 cows/ha
Average graze rest time 32 34 31 Days
Estm’d pasture consmp’n 31 24 21 kg DM/ha/day
Pasture consum’d per cow 6.8 5.8 5.3 kg DM/cow/day
Pasture growing spend $5.29 $6.35 $5.00 $/ha/day
Estm’d pasture price $169 $267 $240 $/T DM
Conc (incl additives)supp fed/cow 6.8 6.3 6.3 kg DM/cow/day
Conc (incl additives)supp avg price $393 $458 $458 $/T DM
Hay/silage supp fed/cow 2.3 3.4 3.4 kg DM/cow/day
Hay/silage supp price $222 $280 $280 $/T DM
Feed Conversion Efficiency 97 94 92 kg MS/tonne DM
Total feed intake/cow 15.3 14.6 14.1 kg DM/cow/day
NDF Fibre in diet 29.7% 29.7% 29.4% % NDF
Litres/cow 17.7 16.5 15.6 l/cow/day
Fat test 4.68% 4.98% 4.86% %
Protein test 4.02% 3.89% 3.90% %
Milk Solids per cow 1.54 1.46 1.37 kg/cow/day
Milk price (less levies)/kg MS $6.99 $7.21 $7.23 $/kg MS
Milk price (less levies)/litre $0.61 $0.64 $0.63 $ per litre
Milk income/cow $10.74 $10.52 $9.90 $/cow/day
All feed cost/cow $4.33 $5.38 $5.09 $/cow/day
Margin over all Feed/cow $6.40 $5.14 $4.80 $/cow/day
MOAF /ha /day $29.59 $21.10 $19.08 $/ha/day
Farm MOAF per DAY $1,805 $1,414 $1,297 $/day

Macalister Demonstration Farm Update 561 (25th March 2022)

The milkers at the Macalister Demonstration Farm have responded to more feed, over the recent ten days, lifting from 1.42 to 1.49 kg MS per cow day. The extra feed is lucerne silage. The intake of grazed grass per cow has decreased. The grass consumption from the hectare has fallen from 29 to 25 kg DM grass per hectare per day. It was 32 this time last year.

Milk per cow is still well below this time last year (1.63 kg MS).

The price of grazed grass is high ($306 /t DM) compared to last year ($194), due partly to high nitrogen price, but also because the grass consumption is lower than last year.

The milk price is significantly higher.

All in all, the feed margins, whether it be the whole farm daily margin, the margin per cow, or the margin per hectare, are lower than this time last year.  The whole farm daily feed margin is down 14% on last year.

Ten days to date: 31,Mar,21 20,Mar,22 31,Mar,22  
Milker graze area 61 67 67 Ha
Milkers 282 295 295 Head
Stocking rate 4.6 4.4 4.4 cows/ha
Average graze rest time 31 34 34 Days
Estm’d pasture consmp’n 32 29 25 kg DM/ha/day
Pasture consum’d per cow 6.9 6.5 5.7 kg DM/cow/day
Pasture growing spend $6.19 $7.70 $7.70 $/ha/day
Estm’d pasture price $194 $268 $306 $/T DM
Conc (incl additives)supp fed/cow 6.8 6.3 6.3 kg DM/cow/day
Conc (incl additives)supp avg price $393 $430 $430 $/T DM
Hay/silage supp fed/cow 2.3 1.9 3.4 kg DM/cow/day
Hay/silage supp price $222 $280 $280 $/T DM
Feed Conversion Efficiency 102 97 97 kg MS/tonne DM
Total feed intake/cow 15.5 14.3 14.9 kg DM/cow/day
NDF Fibre in diet 29.8% 29.7% 30.0% % NDF
Litres/cow 18.8 16.2 16.9 l/cow/day
Fat test 4.74% 5.13% 5.07% %
Protein test 3.94% 3.66% 3.76% %
Milk Solids per cow 1.63 1.42 1.49 kg/cow/day
Milk price (less levies)/kg MS $6.75 $7.15 $7.18 $/kg MS
Milk price (less levies)/litre $0.59 $0.63 $0.63 $ per litre
Milk income/cow $10.99 $10.16 $10.73 $/cow/day
All feed cost/cow $4.53 $4.98 $5.41 $/cow/day
Margin over all Feed/cow $6.46 $5.18 $5.32 $/cow/day
MOAF /ha /day $29.86 $22.83 $23.42 $/ha/day
Farm MOAF per DAY $1,821 $1,529 $1,569 $/day

MDF Fortnightly Update 560

Macalister Demonstration Farm Update 560 (11th March 2022)

The Macalister Demonstration Farm is very wet after 65 mm of rain, parts of the farm having been irrigated only 4 days before the rain.  This is the circumstance when functioning surface drains (spinner cuts) would have had a great benefit, taking the surplus water off the paddocks quickly, minimising water-logging.

The C4 (tropical) grasses (e.g. paspalum, distichum, wild millet) are dominating many paddocks. They compete well in the warmth, and don’t mind water logging as much as ryegrass, a C3 or temperate grass, does. C4s can even cope with dry periods better, because of their toughness, and deeper rooting. The C4s are tough plants with thick cell walls. The cell walls are the fibre part of the plant, the parts that are less digestible for the cow. So, the cows are being offered grass that is well down their preferential scale: muddy, high fibre, low energy, and tough. This can only mean lowered intake, and in that lower intake quantity, lower energy density. All leading to lower milk, as seen by the numbers in the table.


Ten days to date: 10,Mar,21 28,Feb,22 10,Mar,22
Milker graze area 61 71 67 Ha
Milkers 282 300 300 Head
Stocking rate 4.6 4.2 4.5 cows/ha
Average graze rest time 31 33 33 Days
Estm’d pasture consmp’n 35 35 30 kg DM/ha/day
Pasture consum’d per cow 7.6 8.3 6.7 kg DM/cow/day
Pasture growing spend $6.19 $8.60 $8.60 $/ha/day
Estm’d pasture price $176 $245 $287 $/T DM
Conc (incl additives)supp fed/cow 6.8 6.3 6.8 kg DM/cow/day
Conc (incl additives)supp avg price $393 $430 $430 $/T DM
Hay/silage supp fed/cow 2.3 0.0 0.8 kg DM/cow/day
Hay/silage supp price $267 $280 $/T DM
Feed Conversion Efficiency 103 101 97 kg MS/tonne DM
Total feed intake/cow 16.2 14.4 13.9 kg DM/cow/day
NDF Fibre in diet 31.2% 30.0% 28.9% % NDF
Litres/cow 20.5 17.7 16.2 l/cow/day
Fat test 4.61% 4.77% 4.93% %
Protein test 3.80% 3.54% 3.60% %
Milk Solids per cow 1.72 1.47 1.38 kg/cow/day
Milk price (less levies)/kg MS $6.75 $7.18 $7.17 $/kg MS
Milk price (less levies)/litre $0.57 $0.60 $0.61 $ per litre
Milk income/cow $11.60 $10.56 $9.90 $/cow/day
All feed cost/cow $4.63 $4.74 $5.03 $/cow/day
Margin over all Feed/cow $6.97 $5.82 $4.87 $/cow/day
MOAF /ha /day $32.22 $24.57 $21.81 $/ha/day
Farm MOAF per DAY $1,965 $1,745 $1,461 $/day