Macalister Demonstration Farm update 568 24-11-22

Key Numbers  






Farm Area 73 73 73
Grazing Ha available to vat 73 73 73
Renovated Pasture (Ha) 0 0 0
Stock Numbers      
Cows currently milking to vat 285 285 285
Cows currently not milking to vat 17 15 15
Total cows on farm 310 304 300
Milk Production      
BMCC target below 250 169 141 171
Milk solids per cow (kg/MS/cow) 1.77 1.66 1.68
Fat % 3.98 3.66 3.91
Protein % 3.45 3.50 3.49
Feed Budget      
Average pasture cover 2650 2850 2780
Current pasture fed (kgDM/cow) 12 12 14
Current concentrate fed (kgDM/cow) 6 6 6
Current demand per cow (kgDM/cow) 18 18 20
Stocking rate (cows/Ha) 3.90 3.90 3.90
Pasture growth rate (kgDM/Ha) 55-60 50-55 45-50
Pre-grazing cover (kgDM/Ha) 2800 2750 2900
Residual (kgDM/Ha) 1500 1500 1500
Round length (Days) 29 29 27
Farm Conditions      
Soil temperature (degree C) 15 15 15
Rainfall (MM) 16 4 40
Irrigation days this last fortnight (days) 0 0 0

Farm insights

The wet conditions in the last month have impacted pasture production and in turn impacted cow production. The cooler temperatures have reduced the pasture growth to 45-50kg/ha per day which has slowed pasture growth. The older pastures have reduced in quality and throwing up seed heads. The focus now is to quicken up the rotation. Pasture topping is now being done to manage the residuals of the poor-quality pasture. Rust continues to be an issue in some of the older pastures and those varieties that are more susceptible leading to reduced pasture intake.

The new Reward Endo5 pasture in paddock 1 will be grazed this round and has established well benefiting from the paddock renovation program.

The switch was made in October from using liquid Nitrogen mixes back to granular. Nitrograze was applied at 170kg/ha across the farm, and this has been followed by 80kg/ha of Urea three weeks later. The response from the granular fertiliser has been positive and the pastures are showing the benefits of this post grazing.

Drainage issues in paddocks 24 to 29 and 31 to 35 are impacting pasture growth and causing pugging issues. This has been identified as an area for improvement.

Silage has been harvested from the lease block at a yield of 680 rolls and will be feed tested.