MDF Fortnightly Update 551

Paddock 16 will be grazed soon, on 30 days rest. The average leaf appearance rate since previous grazing was 13.3 days, typical for late September. The MDF is reducing spring N input from 100 kg urea to 80 kg urea this season, and has also not swapped over from the winter foliar fertiliser applications, due to the price of urea. Paddock 16 has a yellowish colour, and a bit of rust.  If N is to be reduced, the grazing rotation needs to get the full three leaves, to get the quantity, so the grazing rest time should be extended.


The Dairy Farm Monitor Project results (2020-2021) have just been published.  The MDF is one of the 80 farms across the state analysed.  The MDF has the highest stocking rate (4.1 milkers per milking hectare). MDF milk solids per ha was 2,105 kg, the highest in the state, by far.  The MDF pasture consumption per milking ha was second highest (13.5 tonne; the highest was 15.3 tonne).  MDF milk solids per cow was 512; state average, 530 kg.  While production figures are comparable to other farms and indicate the MDF is performing quite well, indicators like the EBIT show the difference between commercial farms and a farm where all staff are paid to an industry standard level. In looking at the EBIT, the MDF EBIT per cow was $527. All other MID irrigators achieved close to or above $1,000 per cow.

Ten days to date: 10-Sep-21 20-Sep-21 20-Sep-21  
Milker graze area 61 61 115 Ha
Milkers 200 235 480 Head
Stocking rate 3.3 3.9 4.2 cows/ha
Average graze rest time 35 35 35 Days
Estm’d pasture consmp’n 37 44 47 kg DM/ha/day
Pasture consum’d per cow 11.3 11.4 11.2 kg DM/cow/day
Pasture growing spend $2.72 $2.72 $2.31 $/ha/day
Estm’d pasture price $73 $62 $49 $/T DM
Conc (incl additives)supp fed/cow 5.9 5.9 6.4 kg DM/cow/day
Conc (incl additives)supp avg price $417 $417 $418 $/T DM
Hay/silage supp fed/cow 0.0 0.0 0.0 kg DM/cow/day
Hay/silage supp price       $/T DM
Feed Conversion Efficiency 114 116 117 kg MS/tonne DM
Total feed intake/cow 17.0 17.1 17.5 kg DM/cow/day
NDF Fibre in diet 31.0% 31.0% 29.7% % NDF
Litres/cow 27.8 28.7 28.2 l/cow/day
Fat test 3.59% 3.61% 3.81% %
Protein test 3.46% 3.36% 3.48% %
Milk Solids per cow 1.96 2.00 2.05 kg/cow/day
Milk price (less levies)/kg MS $6.45 $6.43 $6.42 $/kg MS
Milk price (less levies)/litre $0.46 $0.45 $0.47 $ per litre
Milk income/cow $12.64 $12.90 $13.18 $/cow/day
All feed cost/cow $3.27 $3.14 $3.21 $/cow/day
Margin over all Feed/cow $9.37 $9.75 $9.97 $/cow/day
MOAF /ha /day $30.72 $37.58 $41.62 $/ha/day
Farm MOAF per DAY $1,874 $2,292 $4,787 $/day
Feed cost $/kg MS $1.67 $1.57 $1.56 $/ kg MS
Proportion of grazed grass in diet 67% 67% 64% %